Friday, August 12, 2011


I have made a few changes in my life. First, I changed the title of my blog. When I started doing this I imagined sharing my experiences at different restaurants around the Twin Cities and sharing my favorite recipes. I will continue to do so, but there was so much more I wanted to contribute. This is my little corner of the world that I get to control.

Second BIG change....I am moving September 1st!!! After three years of being back home with my parents and little brother, I am finally getting a place of my own (well, with a roommate...Hi Robin!). While, I have never felt unwelcome moving back in with the family I just felt it was time to take this big step. I am totally done with school (for now) and starting to look for full time work as a teacher. This change will be a big one and I am going to need to make some personal changes (reigning in some of my spending!) but I am excited to finally starting to feel like more of an adult. I am totally going to miss seeing my family everyday (especially the big black fur ball sitting next to be right now) but they will only be a fifteen minute car ride away.

Third (hopefully) big change....getting a job. Many people have asked me this summer about job prospects. I am applying everyday, I have had a few interviews this summer for full time positions. So far nothing, but I remain hopeful. The right job will come at the right time. So, it could be another year of substitute teaching, which has its perks. The more experience I get, the more desirable of a candidate I become.

So, changes. They can be scary and change is something that I have struggled with in the past. But, the changes happening in my life right now are excited changes and nothing to be afraid of.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I would totally hang out with Suri Cruise

Alright...anyone who knows me knows that I love gossip magazines. USWeekly, People, InTouch, OK. If I could afford it I would subscribe to each one. For my birthday three years ago my parents got a subscription in USWeekly, and I would slowly read it each week to savor the celebrity gossip. A co-worker for mine (Ms. Linda!) and I would bring in our old magazines and swap. These magazines help me through boring days and gives me a chance to escape for a few hours.

Now onto the title of the post. I often fantasize what it would have been like to have famous parents. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and wouldn't change them for anything in the world. But, imagine how different your life would have been with infinate possibilities. That is how I feel Suri Cruise's life is. Now, I am sure all celebrity kids have the same possibilities but for some reason it seems like Suri is focused on so much more when it comes to the perks of being a Hollywood child.

Now, I don't think I would want Tom Cruise or Kate Holmes as a parent (he seems bat-shit crazy and she seems like a mindless robot) but I would totally hang with Suri. She always seems to be dressed in the cutest clothes (which often cost more than I spend on clothes a year), she gets to jet-set all over the world at the age for five, go to Broadway shows and probably meet some of the coolest people. I am sure once she is older she is headed for a major meltdown, but to see the world for one day through her eyes I think would be super awesome.